Annabel McAleer
Science Communicator (Environmental sciences; Agricultural biotechnology; Agriculture, land and farm management; Food sciences; Forestry sciences; Horticultural production; Neurosciences; Genetics; Applied economics; Climate change impacts and adaptation; Environmental management; Pollution and contamination; Soil sciences; Clinical and health psychology; Community psychology; Social psychology; Environmental communication; Creative and professional writing)
Christchurch, New Zealand
- Actions to Include in a Farm Environment Plan
- Think 'Outside the Room' When Collaborating with Community
- Current state of water contaminants compared to bottom lines
- Quantifying Excess Nitrogen Loads in Fresh Water
- International Consumer Preferences: Evidence Finder
- Farm Certification Scheme Survey, 2022
- Farm Certification Scheme Baseline Survey, 2020
- Designing Freshwater Monitoring Programmes to Detect Early Improvement
- Designing Effective Farm Environment Plans
- Beyond meat and milk
- Assessing the Effectiveness of On-Farm Mitigation Actions
- More Investment in Water Quality Monitoring is Needed
- Growing for Good: A 'Win-Win-Win' Plan for Future Food Production
- Our Land and Water Podcast Series
- Why Pines? A context for recent research results which appear to support land conversion into pine forestry
- An Early Contribution to Beef + Lamb New Zealand's Taste Pure Nature Brand
- Eight Iwi and Three Councils' Partnership Responds to Te Mana o Te Wai in Te Tauihu
- Adoption of the Tīmata Method for Restoring Native Bush
- Te Ao Māori Approaches to Farming Enable Effective Local Solutions
- Māori Values Motivate Entrepreneurship
- Research Spurs New Silvopasture Business
- Online Tools Show Where Land-Use Change Needs to be Considered