The confirmation that Epichloë endophytes are important for pest resistance in New Zealand pastures led to the development of a range of novel endophyte strain × host plant combinations that enhance the persistence of the grass, while mitigating adverse effects on grazing animals. Successfully delivering these endophytes to the pastoral industry has required the development of a range of scientific and commercial capabilities. In March 2012, the New Zealand proprietary seed industry established the Endophyte Technical Committee. This is a cooperative forum to ensure that endophyte strains in commerce or under development are tested uniformly, and to publish industry-agreed descriptions of the animal safety and insect control of commercial endophyte strains each year.
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NZ Grassland Association Inc.
Journal title
Grassland Research and Practice Series
Caradus, J. R., Chapman, D., Cookson, T., Cotching, B., Deighton, M. H., Donnelly, L., … Popay, A. J. (2021). Epichloë endophytes: New perspectives on a key ingredient for resilient perennial grass pastures. Grassland Research and Practice Series, 17, 57–70. doi:10.33584/rps.17.2021.3435