

  • Description of veterinary events and risk factors for fatality in National Hunt flat racing Thoroughbreds in Great Britain (2000–2013)
  • The efficacy of Ivermectin against strongyles in yearlings on Thoroughbred breeding farms in New Zealand
  • Risk factors for race-day fatality, distal limb fracture and epistaxis in Thoroughbreds racing on all-weather surfaces in Great Britain (2000 to 2013)
  • Open standing castration in Thoroughbred racehorses in Hong Kong: Prevalence and severity of complications 30 days post-castration
  • Cross-Sectional Questionnaire of Donkey Owners and Farriers Regarding Farriery Practices in the Faisalabad Region of Pakistan
  • Commercial equine production in New Zealand. 3. The racing and sport industries
  • Epidemiology of race-day distal limb fracture in flat racing Thoroughbreds in Great Britain (2000–2013)
  • Risk factors for race-day fatality in flat racing Thoroughbreds in Great Britain (2000 to 2013)
  • Comparison of Metzenbaum scissors and Y-shaped fasciotome for deep metatarsal fasciotomy for the treatment of proximal suspensory ligament desmopathy in horses
  • An economic analysis of a contingency model utilising vaccination for the control of equine influenza in a non-endemic country
  • The molecular characterisation of Cryptosporidium species in relinquished dogs in Great Britain: a novel zoonotic risk?
  • Bursting strength of surgeon's and self-locking knots for closure of ventral midline celiotomy in horses
  • Commercial equine production in New Zealand. 2. Growth and development of the equine athlete
  • The effect of stress fracture occurring within the first 12 months of training on subsequent race performance in Thoroughbreds in Hong Kong
  • Using time-series analysis techniques to enhance the understanding of musculoskeletal injury in Thoroughbred racehorses
  • Development of simulation models for transmission of Salmonid Rickettsial Septicaemia between salt water fish farms in Chile
  • Race-day performance of horses with epiglottic entrapment, and following surgical correction using intra-oral curved bistoury hook in anaesthetised horses
  • Piroplasmosis in Italian Standardbred Horses: 15 Years of Surveillance Data
  • Factors associated with survival and racing performance of 114 Thoroughbred foals with septic arthritis compared with maternal siblings (2009-2015)
  • A 10-year study of arthroscopic surgery in racing Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses with osteochondral fragmentation of the carpus
  • Factors associated with rehoming and time until rehoming for horses listed with an equine charity
  • Preliminary insight into horse owners' perceptions of, and attitudes towards, exotic diseases in the United Kingdom
  • Equine musculoskeletal development and performance: Impact of the production system and early training
  • Comparing racing performance following arthroscopic surgery of metacarpophalangeal/metatarsophalangeal and carpal joints in Thoroughbred racehorses rehabilitated using conventional and underwater treadmill therapies
  • Tropical joint syndrome: Exostosis on the dorsal aspect of the proximal phalanx in racing Thoroughbreds in Asia
  • Quarter cracks in Thoroughbred racehorses trained in Hong Kong over a 9-year period (2007–2015): incidence, clinical presentation, and future racing performance
  • A cross-sectional study of horse owners’ awareness and perceived risk of exotic diseases in the United Kingdom
  • Stress fracture of the palmar, distal cortex of the third metacarpal bone: A diagnostic challenge with a good prognosis
  • Challenges to exotic disease preparedness in Great Britain: The frontline veterinarian's perspective
  • Incidence, recurrence, and outcome of postrace atrial fibrillation in Thoroughbred horses
  • Description of the incidence, clinical presentation and outcome of proximal limb and pelvic fractures in Hong Kong racehorses during 2003–2014
  • Sea lice exposure to non-lethal levels of emamectin benzoate after treatments: a potential risk factor for drug resistance
  • In vitro evaluation of the knot-holding capacity and security, weight, and volume of forwarder knots tied with size-3 polyglactin 910 suture exposed to air, balanced electrolyte solution, or equine abdominal fat
  • Descriptive statistics and the pattern of horse racing in New Zealand. 2. Harness racing
  • Descriptive statistics and the pattern of horse racing in New Zealand. 1. Thoroughbred racing
  • Duration of tetanus IgG titres following basic immunisation of horses
  • The Feeding Practices and Estimated Workload in a Cohort of New Zealand Competition Horses
  • Descriptive epidemiology of veterinary events in flat racing Thoroughbreds in Great Britain (2000 to 2013)
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Strategies for the Control of Equine Influenza Virus in the New Zealand Equine Population
  • Identification of Targeting Peptides for Mucosal Delivery in Sheep and Mice
  • Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Aerobic Isolates from Respiratory Samples of Young New Zealand Horses
  • Efferent intestinal lymph protein responses in nematode-resistant, -resilient and -susceptible lambs under challenge with Trichostrongylus colubriformis
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility of bacteria isolated from neonatal foal samples submitted to a New Zealand veterinary pathology laboratory (2004 to 2013)
  • Cross-sectional survey of parasite control practices on Thoroughbred and Standardbred training yards in New Zealand
  • Cross-Sectional Survey of the Management and Training Practices of Endurance Horses in New Zealand: A Pilot Study
  • Questionnaire study on parasite control practices on Thoroughbred and Standardbred breeding farms in New Zealand
  • Retrospective study on the effect of wither fracture on racing performance in Thoroughbred racehorses in Hong Kong (2003 to 2013)
  • The movement pattern of horses around race meetings in New Zealand
  • An investigation of the movement patterns and biosecurity practices on Thoroughbred and Standardbred stud farms in New Zealand
  • Analysis of horse movements from non-commercial horse properties in New Zealand
  • A description of the demographic characteristics of the New Zealand non-commercial horse population with data collected using a generalised random-tessellation stratified sampling design
  • The implementation of biosecurity practices and visitor protocols on non-commercial horse properties in New Zealand
  • The incidence and risk factors for shipping fever in horses transported by air to Hong Kong: Results from a 2-year prospective study

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