Duane Harland
Senior scientist (Agricultural, veterinary and food sciences; Biological sciences; Biomedical and clinical sciences)
Lincoln, New Zealand
- The proteomics of wool fibre morphogenesis
- Compartmentation of Mitochondrial and Oxidative Metabolism in Growing Hair Follicles: A Ring of Fire
- The use of landmarks and panoramic context in the performance of local vectors by navigating honeybees
- Prey classification by Portia fimbriata, a salticid spider that specializes at preying on other salticids: Species that elicit cryptic stalking
- Speculative hunting by an araneophagic salticid spider
- A comparative study on UV-absorbing titanium dioxide sol gel treatments for wool
- Oxidative Modification in Human Hair: The Effect of the Levels of Cu (II) Ions, UV Exposure and Hair Pigmentation
- Three-dimensional architecture of macrofibrils in the human scalp hair cortex
- Effect of cooking on meat proteins: Mapping hydrothermal protein modification as a potential indicator of bioavailability
- The susceptibility of disulfide bonds to modification in keratin fibers undergoing tensile stress
- Weak and strong priming cues in bumblebee contextual learning
- Influence of feed restriction on the wool proteome: A combined iTRAQ and fiber structural study
- Erratum: One small leap for the jumping spider but a giant step for vision science (Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (2129-2132))
- A knife in the back: Use of prey-specific attack tactics by araneophagic jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae)
- Cues by which Portia fimbriata, an araneophagic jumping spider, distinguishes jumping-spider prey from other prey
- Redox proteomic evaluation of oxidative modification and recovery in a 3D reconstituted human skin tissue model exposed to UVB
- Arrangement of trichokeratin intermediate filaments and matrix in the cortex of Merino wool
- Like follicle, like fibre? Diameter and not follicle type correlates with fibre ultrastructure
- Influence of cues from the anterior medial eyes of virtual prey on Portia fimbriata, an araneophagic jumping spider
- Prey-capture techniques and prey preferences of Aelurillus Aeruginosus, A. cognatus, and A. kochi, ant-eating jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel
- Transmission electron microscopy staining methods for the cortex of human hair: A modified osmium method and comparison with other stains
- Morphology and ultrastructure of antler velvet hair and body hair from red deer (Cervus elaphus)
- Redox proteomic evaluation of bleaching and alkali damage in human hair
- Distances at which jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) distinguish between prey and conspecific rivals
- Behavioural and cognitive influences of kairomones on an araneophagic jumping spider
- Convergent evolution of eye ultrastructure and divergent evolution of vision-mediated predatory behaviour in jumping spiders
- Histopathological effects of the Yen-Tc toxin complex from yersinia entomophaga MH96 (Enterobacteriaceae) on the Costelytra zealandica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) larval midgut
- The role of liquid-crystalline structures in the morphogenesis of animal fibers
- The structure of the “amorphous” matrix of keratins
- How Jumping Spiders See the World
- Design of a retinal tracking system for jumping spiders
- Isolation and Analysis of Keratins and Keratin-Associated Proteins from Hair and Wool
- A comparative study on titanium dioxide sol-gel treatment for protein fabrics, focusing on UV transmittance effects
- The proteomics of wool follicles
- Relating Self-assembly to Spatio-temporal Keratin Expression in the Wool Follicle
- Investigating mathematical methods for high-throughput prediction of the critical buckling load of non-uniform wool fibers
- Prey classification by Portia fimbriata, a salticid spider that specializes at preying on other salticids: species that elicit cryptic stalking
- Ionic liquid-assisted extraction of wool keratin proteins as an aid to MS identification
- Cortical cell types and intermediate filament arrangements correlate with fiber curvature in Japanese human hair
- A concerted polymerization-mesophase separation model for formation of trichocyte intermediate filaments and macrofibril templates. 1: Relating phase separation to structural development
- Interspecies Comparison of Morphology, Ultrastructure, and Proteome of Mammalian Keratin Fibers of Similar Diameter
- Mapping the accessibility of the disulfide crosslink network in the wool fiber cortex
- Preparation of wool follicles for proteomic studies
- Intrinsic curvature in wool fibres is determined by the relative length of orthocortical and paracortical cells
- Helical twist direction in the macrofibrils of keratin fibres is left handed
- High‐pressure freezing followed by freeze substitution of a complex and variable density miniorgan: the wool follicle
- Processing hair follicles for transmission electron microscopy
- Investigating the internal structure of sheep wool hair fibre using new microscopic techniques