posted on 2024-06-21, 04:08authored byTimothy Driver, Simon Duff, Tiffany McIntyre, Caroline Saunders
The Matrix of Drivers: 2022 Update presents an up-to-date summary of 35 global issues, trends and innovations (the 'drivers') with potential to influence the agri-food sector in New Zealand.
Industry bodies can use this research to assess the magnitude of drivers affecting their sector (eg climate change, plant-based protein trends), anticipate change, and assist producers to adapt.
Primary sector producers and entrepreneurs can use The Matrix to meet market demands or seek out new high-value, low-footprint opportunities, and avoid lurching from one trend to the next.
This 2022 report updates the 35 key trends and challenges likely to impact land use in New Zealand, prioritised by primary sector experts for 2022. It compiles current, reliable sources of evidence, and the latest international consumer surveys.
The report finds that primary sector leaders agree climate change is the key challenge most likely to change land use in New Zealand, again placing it significantly higher in importance than all other factors, including the ongoing impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Matrix of Drivers provides market intelligence and foresight into consumer trends and international agreements. The research team identified 35 key drivers likely to impact farming in New Zealand. An initial list developed in 2016 has been expanded with each edition of the Matrix of Drivers report series, with one driver (public health) added in the 2022 report.
The report was produced by the Agribusiness & Economics Research Unit (AERU) at Lincoln University with funding from the Our Land and Water National Science Challenge. This is the fourth report in this series.
Funded by the New Zealand Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment's Our Land and Water National Science Challenge (Toitū te Whenua, Toiora te Wai) as part of project The Matrix of Drivers