This paper reviews the case for a novel agroforestry system in the Rotorua lakes catchments, based on an interest in trees that can produce edible nuts shared by three quite different rural entrepreneurs; a Māori forest owner, a small block/life-style farmer, and a sheep/beef/forest farmer. Key next steps to de-risking this novel agroforestry system is to build on value synergies using cross-sector collaborations, and to explore scalability options across the different landscapes. From this study two key steps emerge for land managers. First is the need for a stakeholder engagement strategy to build a multidisciplinary coalition of the willing to scale up the nut crop estate. Collaboration will likely need to be radical, with shared values and partnerships formed, and clear roles and responsibilities defined. The second step would be to develop a hazel/gevuina agroforestry system plan. Nutrient loss mitigations for compliance in agriculture, Occasional Report No 32, Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre
Funded by the New Zealand Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment's Our Land and Water National Science Challenge (Toitū te Whenua, Toiora te Wai) as part of project Next Generation Systems