This document sets out a ten-year Pastoral Weeds Research Strategy as requested by the 2017 ‘Strategic Science Investment Fund’ Investment Committee. It was developed from:
A review of key current pastoral weeds research worldwide; especially where there are solid links with AgResearch interests,
A summary of existing research capability within AgResearch and New Zealand as a whole,
A stakeholder meeting with the pastoral sector that identified key weed management issues,
Recommendations as to how the AgResearch capability should be positioned over the next ten years (2018 – 2028)
The strategy contains a vision, identified sector challenges, outcomes sought, research capability needed to deliver to target research areas and some initial key initiatives. Priority outcomes are:
Improved internal biosecurity.
Increased suite of non-chemical control options.
Herbicide resistance evolution understood and controlled.
Weed population biology informs and disrupts weed management.
Weed control economics informs and disrupts weed management.
Best practice pastoral weed management adopted by farmers.
Effective riparian weed management.
Report no. 8284
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