Revitalise te Taiao website
This website brings together over two years of work within Revitalise te Taiao, a mātauranga-led, science-informed, taiao-inspired research programme dedicated to supporting community-led land management, land use, value and market opportunities.
This site is a trove of resources, insights, and tools for catchment groups, farmer groups, hapū, or agribusinesses who want to improve social and environmental outcomes from land use, management, and new markets. The website reflects a uniquely Aotearoa-New Zealand approach to promoting sustainability through a culturally inclusive lens.
Explore what the three pilots, Ngā Kaiurungi Taiao, have learned and achieved in their hapū, communities and on farm in just two years. Each pilot shares how they have implemented the Taiao Manawa Ora model to foster collaboration and ensure efforts to revitalise their communities and environment are grounded in principles that respect both the indigenous Māori perspective and the contributions of all New Zealanders.
Funded by the New Zealand Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment’s Our Land and Water National Science Challenge (Toitu te Whenua, Toiora te Wai), as part of the project Revitalise Te Taiao
Publication date
2024-06-29Project number
- Non revenue
- English
Does this contain Māori information or data?
- No