Demand & Supply: Trends and Risks of Imported Feed
The global price and availability of supplementary feeds - grain and PKE - have significant implications for New Zealand livestock farmers. Recenty completed research assessed the current international grain markets, risks, and the future of imported feed in New Zealand.
Recent global events, including climatic shifts, shipping issues, and geopolitical tensions have driven international feed prices to new highs, putting New Zealand's reliance on imported grain for livestock feed under the microscope.
AgFirst's new report on the Implications of Global Price and Supply of Supplementary Feeds examines the state of grain internationally and what it means for New Zealand livestock farmers. Below, report co-author Raewyn Densley discusses the analysis.
Funded by the New Zealand Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment’s Our Land and Water National Science Challenge (Toitū te Whenua, Toiora te Wai), as part of the project Impact of Imported Feed Shortages
Publication date
2024-02-16Project number
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- English
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