
Mānuka honey as Rongoā for animals in agriculture

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-07-28, 21:51 authored by Sue McCoardSue McCoard, Enrique PavanEnrique Pavan, Nina ButowskiNina Butowski, Axel HeiserAxel Heiser, Tristan Vine

The Mānuka tree is unique to Aotearoa New Zealand and was recognised by early Māori traditions as a taonga (treasure) due to its wide variety of uses and is the first globally recognised taonga. Mānuka honey (MH) is reported to have exceptional antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. The objective of this review is to summarise the current published peer-reviewed literature for benefits of the use of MH as a Rongoā (traditional medicine) in ruminant livestock and companion animals to support the potential use of MH as a therapeutic for companion animals and livestock. The key finding was that there is very little peer-reviewed literature providing scientific evidence for the use of MH as a therapeutic in livestock and companion animals. There are a wide range of products now commercially available that have MH as an active ingredient. However, further scientific studies are required to evaluate the direct effects of MH relative to its effects when used in conjunction with other compounds, dose–response effects, and the effect of the Unique Mānuka Factor and methylglyoxal levels on efficacy in order to provide scientific evidence to support the efficacy of MH as a functional food or therapeutic in livestock and companion animal species.


AgResearch Māori Strategic Science Investment Fund


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Project number

  • PRJ0575524


  • English

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  • No


Taylor & Francis

Journal title

New Zealand journal of agricultural research



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