High-resolution genomic analysis to investigate the impact of the invasive brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and other wildlife on microbial water quality assessments
Escherichia coli are routine indicators of fecal contamination in water quality assessments.
Contrary to livestock and human activities, brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), common invasive marsupials in Aotearoa/New Zealand, have not been thoroughly studied as a source of fecal contamination in freshwater.
To investigate their potential role, Escherichia spp. isolates (n = 420) were recovered from possum gut contents and feces and were compared to those from water, soil, sediment, and periphyton samples, and from birds and other introduced mammals collected within the Mākirikiri Reserve, Dannevirke.
Funded by the New Zealand Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment's Our Land and Water National Science Challenge (Toitū te Whenua, Toiora te Wai) as part of project Faecal Source Tracking