
Comparison of the acute postprandial circulating B-vitamin and vitamer responses to single breakfast meals in young and older individuals: preliminary secondary outcomes of a randomized controlled trial

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posted on 2023-05-03, 18:12 authored by Pankaja Sharma, Nicola Gillies, Shikha Pundir, Chantal Pileggi, James Markworth, Eric Thorstensen, David Cameron-Smith, Amber Milan
B-vitamin deficiency is common in ageing populations either due to altered dietary habits or altered digestive and metabolic functions. There is limited data on the acute circulating concentrations of B-vitamins and their various forms (vitamers), following ingestion of realistic meals. This study compared the acute circulating B-vitamin and vitamer responses to either an energy-dense (ED) or a nutrient-dense (ND) breakfast meal, consumed in a randomized cross-over sequence, in older and younger adults (n = 15 and 15, aged 67.3 ± 1.5 and 22.7 ± 0.5 years (mean ± SEM), respectively). Eleven differing B-vitamins and vitamers were determined in plasma samples by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, in the fasting and postprandial state (hourly for 5 h). While postprandial thiamine concentration increased following both meals, riboflavin increased only following a ND meal in both age groups. Many vitamins including nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal-5’phosphate, and 4-pyridoxic acid remained unaltered, and flavin mononucleotide (FMN), nicotinamide and nicotinuric acid concentrations reduced following both meals. Biological age and food composition had minimal impact on postprandial B-vitamin concentrations, yet the differences between the ED and ND meals for riboflavin highlight the importance of riboflavin intake to achieve adequacy.


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Journal title





Sharma, P., Gillies, N., Pundir, S., Pileggi, C. A., Markworth, J. F., Thorstensen, E. B., … Milan, A. M. (2019). Comparison of the acute postprandial circulating B-vitamin and vitamer responses to single breakfast meals in young and older individuals: preliminary secondary outcomes of a randomized controlled trial. Nutrients, 11(12), 2893. doi:10.3390/nu11122893

Report number

FBP 90468

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