
Combined biochar and double inhibitor application offsets NH3 and N2O emissions and mitigates N leaching in paddy fields

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-03, 20:55 authored by Tiehu He, Junji Yuan, Jian Xiang, Yongxin Lin, Jiafa LuoJiafa Luo, Stuart LindseyStuart Lindsey, Xia Liao, Deyan Liu, Weixin Ding
The effects of combined biochar and double inhibitor application on gaseous nitrogen (N; nitrous oxide [N2O] and ammonia [NH3]) emissions and N leaching in paddy soils remain unclear. We investigated the effects of biochar application at different rates and double inhibitor application (hydroquinone [HQ] and dicyandiamide [DCD]) on NH3 and N2O emissions, N leaching, as well as rice yield in a paddy field, with eight treatments, including conventional urea N application at 280 kg N ha−1 (CN); reduced N application at 240 kg N ha−1 (RN); RN + 7.5 t ha−1 biochar (RNB1); RN + 15 t ha−1 biochar (RNB2); RN + HQ + DCD (RNI); RNB1 + HQ + DCD (RNIB1); RNB2 + HQ + DCD (RNIB2); and a control without N fertilizer. When compared with N leaching under RN, biochar application reduced total N leaching by 26.9–34.8% but stimulated NH3 emissions by 13.2–27.1%, mainly because of enhanced floodwater and soil NH4+-N concentrations and pH, and increased N2O emission by 7.7–21.2%, potentially due to increased soil NO3−-N concentrations. Urease and nitrification inhibitor addition decreased NH3 and N2O emissions, and total N leaching by 20.1%, 21.5%, and 22.1%, respectively. Compared with RN, combined biochar (7.5 t ha−1) and double inhibitor application decreased NH3 and N2O emissions, with reductions of 24.3% and 14.6%, respectively, and reduced total N leaching by up to 45.4%. Biochar application alone or combined with double inhibitors enhanced N use efficiency from 26.2% (RN) to 44.7% (RNIB2). Conversely, double inhibitor application alone or combined with biochar enhanced rice yield and reduced yield-scaled N2O emissions. Our results suggest that double inhibitor application alone or combined with 7.5 t ha−1 biochar is an effective practice to mitigate NH3 and N2O emission and N leaching in paddy fields.


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  • English

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Journal title

Environmental Pollution




He, T., Yuan, J., Xiang, J., Lin, Y., Luo, J., Lindsey, S., Liao, X., Liu, D., & Ding, W. (2022). Combined biochar and double inhibitor application offsets NH3 and N2O emissions and mitigates N leaching in paddy fields. Environmental Pollution, 292(A), 118344.

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