Pā to Plate Grower's Guide
This beautifully illustrated booklet provides a brief grower's guide from pā to plate. Beginning as a research project in 2016, Pā to Plate has evolved as a marae community grower-led enterprise that has been operational since 2019. Its kaupapa is to reconnect tangata with their whenua through harnessing the value of kai and hua on the journey from the Pā to the Plate. It operates as a social enterprise that works with growers in over a dozen rural marae communities across the mid north of Tai Tokerau. Pā to Plate targets three distinct markets: 1. The local informal market (whānau and community) 2. The non-local social enterprise market (providing kai to those in need) 3. The formal commercial market primarily for descendant consumers to buy kai or other resources from home Since the Covid pandemic, Pā to Plate has focused primarily on nurturing its local communities where there is an immediate need for food security. More information on Pā to Plate: www.pa2plate.co.nz
Funded by the New Zealand Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment's Our Land and Water National Science Challenge (Toitū te Whenua, Toiora te Wai) as part of project New Models of Collective Responsibility
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- English
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