Farmers use deferred grazing to maintain pasture quality at farm-scale, rejuvenate pastures and to provide drought feed.
How do you do it?
Exclude stock 12-16 weeks: November – February
Up to 10-15% of farm depending on the farm / year
Allow desirable perennial species to set and drop seed
Aim for about 50% utilisation when grazing deferred pasture at end of summer
Presentation for Our Land and Water
Deferred Grazing and Regenerative Farming – Katherine Tozer, AgResearch Katherine Tozer has worked on a variety of projects in the deferred grazing & regenerative space including looking at the effects of meat taste, summer forage options and how deferred grazing could offer pasture improvement and management advantages.
Our Land and Water National Science Challenge
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AgResearch Ltd
Conference name
Food, Farming & Freshwater Roadshow Central - Hawkes Bay